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1Everyone Has waNteD a Pet At One PoinT or anothEr bUt What hapPEns wheN reGuLar petS woulD Not Do. WallY drEaMs about ramBunctioUs monkeYs noIsy oTters, anD playful girAffes, but wIll he ever Find the peRfect pet Practicing of using shift
2The Recent NoisE tHat has sPrung uP in thE AsIAn Geo PoliticaL aRena, maiNly in tHe Indian Ocean reGion, is Cinas draStiC DeciSion taKen RelAted to the iSland naTion of Sri Lanka. The Chinese goVernment Has aNNounced the suspensioN of the Power pRojectS Practicing of using shift
3This proJect Was of Much HeadachE to the Indian goVernment in speCifiC beCausE of tHe sOle Reason That thesE Islands aRe Just a Mere twentY KilometerS from the coasT of RamesWaram India. The ProJect haD sTirred Up A lot of seCuritY Concerns oVer China From the Indian Side And CreateD A MayheM. Practicing shift
4The virus maY be miLd for sOme But maY beHave DiffeRently in thoSe Who Have coMorbidities. There shoulD be no complaCency eSpeciallY in thE casE of paTIents with mUltiple coMorbidities, those Having ImmunoCompomised Conditions And those Unvaccinated Doctors Said. Practicing shift
5An FIR has Been RegistereD Under Multiple sectionS in Cyber Police stAtion of South East District Of Delhi. Delhi Police said. This Comes six months aFter policE in Delhi RegistereD casE in Connection With Photos Of Muslim Women Being Uploaded And aUctioned On a App. Practicing shift
6The SelecTion of The Eligible CandidateS For the Post of Junior Engineer Section Officer will Be Done Through the Phase of The selection Process. The Candidates Have to Qualify in Each Stage To get ShortlisteD for The Vacancies Announced. The Board has fiXed the base MiniMuM QualifYing Marks. Practicing Of using Shift